Sv Nikola 2024:
- Oglas Regate / Notice of Race
- Oglasna ploča / Notice board
- Obrazac Prijave / Entry Form
- Predprijave / Preliminary Entries
- Zona Događanja / Event Area
- Gdje smo / Directions
- Smještaj / Accommodation
- RIB and boat rental
Korisne informacije:
Sv Nikola 2024
5. - 8. prosinac 2024
Dobrodošli na službeni web kutak o regati Sv.Nikola, regati koju tradicionalno organizira JK Vega iz Pule.
Regata sa višegodišnjom tradicijom koja svake godine ugosti preko 500 jedriličara iz cijele Europe, od Baltika do Mediterana, koji se takmiče u klasama Optimist, ILCA 7, ILCA 6, ILCA 4.
Regata se boduje za svjetsku jedriličarsku ljestvicu u olimpijskim klasama.
Zdravlje i sigurnost djece i svih takmičara na kopnu i moru tijekom regate naš je prioritet.
Od 2021.g. regata je Memorijal Vladimir Barbić, u spomen našeg prerano preminulog predsjednika kluba, dugogodišnjeg člana naše male zajednice koji je za sobom ostavio neizbrisiv trag.
Očekujemo Vas i ove godine!
December 5th - 8th 2024
Welcome to the official web corner of St.Nicholas Ragata, traditionally organized by YC Vega Pula.
Regatta "St .Nicholas" welcomes over 500 sailors from over 20 countires from the Baltic to the Mediterranean.
The championship is held in the following classes: Optimist , ILCA 7, ILCA 6, ILCA 4.
“St.Nicholas” has become one of biggest international events and is rated on the World's Sailing ranking for the Olympic classes.
Our priority is children's and competitors health and safety on the land and sea during regatta.
From 2021 regatta is a Memorial Vladimir Barbić, in memory of our club president, a longtime member of our small community who left an indelible mark.
We expect you also this year!
Regata se boduje za svjetsku jedriličarsku ljestvicu u olimpijskim klasama.
Zdravlje i sigurnost djece i svih takmičara na kopnu i moru tijekom regate naš je prioritet.
Od 2021.g. regata je Memorijal Vladimir Barbić, u spomen našeg prerano preminulog predsjednika kluba, dugogodišnjeg člana naše male zajednice koji je za sobom ostavio neizbrisiv trag.
Očekujemo Vas i ove godine!
St´Nicholas 2024´
December 5th - 8th 2024ILCA 7 ⋆ ILCA 6 ⋆ ILCA 4 ⋆ OPTIMIST
Welcome to the official web corner of St.Nicholas Ragata, traditionally organized by YC Vega Pula.
Regatta "St .Nicholas" welcomes over 500 sailors from over 20 countires from the Baltic to the Mediterranean.
The championship is held in the following classes: Optimist , ILCA 7, ILCA 6, ILCA 4.
“St.Nicholas” has become one of biggest international events and is rated on the World's Sailing ranking for the Olympic classes.
Our priority is children's and competitors health and safety on the land and sea during regatta.
From 2021 regatta is a Memorial Vladimir Barbić, in memory of our club president, a longtime member of our small community who left an indelible mark.
We expect you also this year!